DOWN2EARTH assembles a multidisciplinary project team, composed of experts and specialists in social science, rural development, media communication, climate science, meteorology, environment, hydrology, policy analysis, GIS, remote sensing, computer science, decision-support, modelling, and dryland processes. Below is a description of our project organization and a list of consortium institutions.
Efficient, fair, and participatory project management is critical to the success of large research and innovation effort such as DOWN2EARTH. Our project contains the following.
Management Board
The DOWN2EARTH Management Board consists of a gender-balanced collection of PIs from each partner in the consortium. The Management Board meets at least quarterly and is responsible for overseeing and directing the research and implementation activities, ensuring fruitful interactions across disciplines and teams.
Thematic Teams
Our project work is carried out within six Thematic Teams that meet frequently to ensure continuity of key cross-cutting aspects of the project:
- Community Research, Engagement and Impact (CREI) Team
- Digital User Engagement Team (DUET)
- Model Development Team
- Climate/Water Data Team
- Policy Development Team
- Dissemination and Communication Team
Advisory Board
The DOWN2EARTH Advisory Board consists of key project stakeholders and meets twice a year to to extend impacts from our project more broadly in the HAD region and internationally, while also strengthening aspects of the project that show great promise with further investment.
Sister Project Coordination
The DOWN2EARTH team is proud to work alongside two other EU Horizon 2020 projects, CONFER and FOCUS-Africa funded under the same call. We are working closely together to integrate our project work to exploit potential synergies and learn from collective experiences.
DOWN2EARTH Consortium
Cardiff University (CU)

University of Bristol (UoB)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM-VU)

Unviversity of Ghent (UGent)

University of East Anglia (UEA)

Aalborg University (Aalborg-PLAN)

IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)

Action Aid International (AA)

UN Food and Agriculture Organization - Somalia Water And Land Information Management (FAO-SWALIM)

Climate Analytics (CA)

BBC Media Action (BBC-MA)

Transparency Solutions (TS)

University of Nairobi (UoN)

Addis Ababa University (AAU)

Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA)

An EU Horizon 2020 Project funded under grant agreement No 869550