Maurine Ambani has over 10 years’ experience on developing Climate Services in Africa, towards targeted use of weather and climate information in adaptive decision making and anticipatory action. She enjoys work on developing innovative approaches to get science into practical use. She works extensively to facilitate linkages and dialogue between scientists, technical experts in various fields, operational teams and communities. Maurine currently serves as the WFP Regional Coordinator for Forecast based Financing (FbF) in Eastern Africa. She is supporting countries in the region to implement the FbF approach, in efforts to move from a reactive to a proactive humanitarian system that takes forecast-based anticipatory action to mitigate humanitarian impacts before weather and climate events cause a crisis. She has previously worked for the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, CARE International’s Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre. She hold a Master of Science Degree in Meteorology.